Do you have your own copy of GTAIV also installed? I’ll give Bottles a try, but Lutris was only struggling because the mod was unable to find GTAIV
Do you have your own copy of GTAIV also installed? I’ll give Bottles a try, but Lutris was only struggling because the mod was unable to find GTAIV
I’m in the same boat with around 80%… Original 512gb and it’s spent the last few years entirely plugged in. Eventually I’ll have to use the more battery health as an excuse to upgrade to the OLED.
Have you looked at any of the OLED screen upgrades for the deck?
How were you able to get it to find gtaiv in the first place?!
Did you try it with lutris or heroiclauncher? I just grabbed it myself and will install it tomorrow. I’ll follow your tricks.
As for the graphics corrupting, is that with the required changes that the F.A.Q. has? Or your own attempts?
Edit: Bottles seems to be the way to go. Game loads right up after installing
Just anecdotal but I only ever watch duck videos or funny animal videos with occasional other funnies or crazy science things, and that’s still all I ever get. Other days I get plenty of cool music like tesla coils making music or other piano music.
Am I youtubing wrong?
I can finally enjoy 2009scape!
Boost is best. Only thing that doesn’t work great is spoiler markdown, otherwise it’s great
I own a steam deck, almost all games that have mods are as easy as
To me, that’s just as easy as Windows is. That’s how all mods used to be installed 10 years ago.
No, epic is already significantly worse than steam and hasn’t gotten better in years. We could use good competition, that is for sure, but Epic with all of its exclusives should not be celebrated.
You can run VR on the deck??? This can’t include HL Alyx would it…?
Whack, bottles it is!