She usually is on one level or the other
Edit: shit I mean usually is right
She usually is on one level or the other
Edit: shit I mean usually is right
So I’m glad you said this, I’ve been having a hard time the past week because I don’t see any way out of our current situation beyond what you have just described and it’s been stressing me because I’ve both felt alone in my conclusions and not wanted to ask my friends, family, and coworkers if I’m way out of bounds because I don’t want to make this time harder on them than I know it already is.
Granted I still don’t feel great about the potentiality of losing my life in such events but I’m grateful to you for making me feel less alone right now. Cheers!
I really really really hope you’re right
IX over VIII, my brother/sister
Let’s not blaspheme the muppets now, Jim Henson did nothing wrong. I can’t say the same about the Lambchop lady and all her war crimes
Rich people as so unimaginative and foolishly selfish, if you did all of this the people of whichever country you bought would treat you like a god and defend you to the death. Benevolent rulers inspire loyalty.
I was at one too, and it is great that a bunch of people all over the country turned out, important to remember we have to both keep it up and expand the number of people standing up because what we did today will not be enough. Granted it’s winter still so I’m hopefully that things will heat up as the weather does
Dude same, one of the only times my dads ever cried
If only Dale hadn’t died
No doubt, he’s not absolved in any capacity. I just feel bad for the actual child he once was, not the man that child became
I actually have some sympathy for young Trump, in the same way I feel a little bad for young Kissinger because he was beaten up by Nazis. Fuck everything about who he’s become and what he’s done, burn him at the stake. But from what I’ve heard about his childhood and family that was probably a really shitty way to be a kid
Alex is doing his own predictive programming now!
Same here, this sounds like the best thing I dare hope for at this point
The Tale of Samuel Whiskers
If it’s anything like what current mainstream country music has been since roughly 9/11 then no wonder the bigots love it when it’s not a black woman. Nothing out of Nashville has really been good since the 90s
I had completely forgotten about how much this book fucked me up as a kid!
It’s wild that 15 years ago I’d sign up in a heartbeat, the entire world order would have to change dramatically for me to go for it today
McLuhan was so frighteningly ahead of his time it’s a shame he’s not more celebrated
Anyone offhandedly know how this would affect Usenet
This is very prelude to hell