lol .ml censoring your word here is super apropos
lol .ml censoring your word here is super apropos
And the top comment on that video is defending the police, fascism has it’s hold in many places
I know that some people will get all huffy about this (you know who you are, commenters)
I love techdirt
Can’t wait for all the crapware to flood the market and slap that 80gbps logo on anything and everything
Very true, though I think in the early days of the Silicon Valley boom most tech workers were liberal democrats, whereas since tech finally became very measurably lucrative, it’s since been flooded by neocons and techno-libertarians
Moving to texas as a remote california tech worker is incredibly common, but it mostly comes down to not wanting to pay california taxes or real estate prices. That being said, it’s important to note that the majority of west coast tech workers give fuck all about the common good or societal improvements, or they wouldn’t work for facebook/google etc
Dang Albert fascism and his choice selection of english