I am a huge Warhammer 40k fan and I once met someone who was also a 40k fan. Dude said he played Imperium cause he was (and he said this with zero irony) a “human supremacist.” Genuinely though the Imperium were good guys. I feel like it’s needless to say, but I stopped talking to him.
If you ask someone if they are Nazis, and their answer is to get confused and ask about the premise of the question, there is about a 90% chance they are Nazis. Non-Nazis will say, “What? No, definitely not.”
I would also accept “did you just call me a fucking nazi?”
If you ask someone who isn’t a Nazi if they’re a Nazi out of nowhere then confusion seems pretty valid. If there’s a premise to it that they understand (by being Nazis or acting like ones) you’d get less genuine confusion.
E: I wasn’t talking about the specific case in OP but in general
If the context is 40k, definitely not an unexpected question.
Is there something about the tabletop portion of the community I don’t get? I just like the lore of the universe and if someone asked me if I was a nazi based on that I would be very confused.
Think about it this way, if you joined WWII reenactment, you’ll mostly come across guys that have a general interest in WWII and will play the role of most factions (including Germany if needed). But you will also run into guys who are enthusiastically on the German side 90% and less happy playing anything else. That second guy is most likely a Nazi but tries to maintain plausible deniability
“I only play black templars and krieg. No, what shovel meme?”
I hate that nazis have adopted the DKoK. I love them because I really like the french inspired aspect of the design (like the trench coat) and I really love gasmasks. I got into 40k because of them and started an imperial guard army. But the amount of chuds that play them and the broader imperium grossed me out. Now I play chaos space marines (Red Corsairs (cause pirates) and Thousand Sons (cause I like magic and the drama)) and am gonna convert my imperial guard into chaos guard.
I completely agree, that’s why I play krieg, to show that normal people like them too.
I too am confused about the correlation since I’ve never run into nazis playing 40k. Though to be fair I run slaaneshi chaos so I don’t think I’m in their demo of black templars.
Warhammer 40k lore is on the level of racism and genetic determinism that resonates with nazibrain.
Every faction is a caricature and parody of some ideological concept where every member is obligated to live and die exactly as they’re supposed to.
That’s not at all what I picked up from it. Could you give an example?
I mean, the space marines are genetically engineered soldiers who are locked into their roles they inherited from the primearch who’s genetic ancestry they are from, all of which were crafted based on the genetically superior being of the emperor. The eldar and orcs are literally bio-engineered weapons weapons of a race that were basically gods. The Tau have a lot of layers racial hierarchy, bio-engineering, and similar levels of eugenics stuff going on. The tyranids basically just consumer biomass to filter for genes that can benefit their race and incorporate the new genetic data. I mean, unless you didn’t pay any attention to the game lore, I really don’t know how you missed all this. Like, this is the core of the game lore.
Beyond that GW have straight said that each faction is a caricature of some form of extreme ideology. The imperium are basically theocratic space nazis, the orcs are pretty much how the classical empires, or something like that imperium, see less developed human groups, the barbaric hordes. Etc.
I was briefly into 40k in the 00s, but once the 2010s started I slowly started getting an ick feeling from it but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
specifically, I was still cool with most of the lore, but the Imperium fanboys were getting to be unfun to be around. As I got older and wised up, I figured out around the same time many others did, that these same people just had a fascism fetish in general.
so with all that said.
Death to the false emperor Let the galaxy burn BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
As someone who likes the Space Marines, but hates Nazis and understands that Warhammer 40k is satire, I’m greatly saddened by the Fascism fan boys in the community.
Always amazing when people don’t get satire.
My Dad actually thought Starship Troopers was pro-military.
That movie has the subtlety of a brick to the head
So, I have read and been told this many times before. Some times I will rewatch the movie to try and see that narrative. And I’ll admit, I’m and idiot. But I can’t get past the idea of: Bugs are just icky, no matter the size. Remove at all costs.
The most blatant satire part of the movie (imo) is when the recruiter with the prosthetic arm says “the mobile infantry made me the man I am today” and scoots his chair back revealing both legs missing.
Also near the end when NPH shows up in what is almost a direct copy of an SS uniform. It’s a bit on the nose.
The brilliance of the movie is you follow the main characters who are 100% indoctrinated into this shit. There’s really no voice of reason. Nothing (aside from the whole nazi uniform thing) really screams fash if you’re not paying attention.
I will never understand how they made the entire movie and then had any possible thought people would understand their perspective. The problem is they got lost in the utopia part of the fascist utopia. Sure their culture looks weird from our perspective and has a fascist paint job., but is it really that bad of a society to live in as depicted? Everyone is depicted as generally agreeing with society and it’s norms, society seems to filter people into the roles that actually let them reach the best of their own abilities and that of the culture. No semblance or poverty or even elitism – except against bugs which are mindless as far as the audience knows. The closest we get to seeing that the bugs might be sentient is a psychic dude telling us that a prisoner of war is feeling fear while it is bound, defeated, and surrounded by its enemies.
Except they aren’t bugs in your home, they’re isolated to their own planet already.
Plus, consider the justification for the attack;
“the bugs attacked Earth first”
Consider the amount of maths and physics knowledge for us to get to our own moon. We have to calculate the trajectory of our own moon, the spin of the Earth, gravity, etc.
Now, in the movie, apparently the bugs bombed Earth.
FUCKING HOW. They exist outside our solar system. The level of maths for this is impossible without computers.
Not only have you got all the complications we had for a celestial body which was closest to us, but our sun has its own orbit within the milky way.
The narrative that the bugs attacked Earth first was a false flag. It was almost certainly just a meteor which couldn’t be stopped, which gave someone a reason to keep the perpetual motion machine of Fascism alive.
Without a common enemy, Fascism turns inwards.
Okay, sure. But how is the bugs attacking first unlikely, when they are able to calculate that kind of interstellar trajectory to colonize all the other planets in their empire? They shoot spores into space and hit other planets to colonize.
Why could the bugs not have shot a colonizing spore at earth, or another human controlled planet, and that was perceived as an attack? The bugs empire rivaled the human empire after all.
Or am I missing something obvious here?
Our galaxy has a span of ~2 million light years.
Even if the bugs could send spores to neighboring planets, it would take billions of years for them to send spores to earth, as they aren’t capable of light-speed travel.
There is too many different versions of starship troopers to have a meaningful conversation about the logistics of how they travel. But there are transport bugs capable of interstellar travel. The first one was located on Pluto, so they were already in our system. Depending on which version of Starship Troopers you bring up Buenos Aires was either attacked directly by the bugs or had a meteor destroy it.
And the bugs have to have some sort of FTL travel since the humans followed the first transport bug back to the Arachnid homeworld. If that would take billions of years then the humans wouldn’t have been able to follow them back after they left Sol.
Starship Troopers is full of plot holes and inconsistencies that would, again, likely prevent us from having a meaningful conversation about the logistics of the Arachnids.
So as someone who isn’t too familiar with Warhammer, why are Nazis drawn to it? I know a few people that are alt-right, headed toward Neo-Nazi territory, that are all deeply into Warhammer. Is it like another Punisher situation?
Neo-nazi nowadays just means “people I don’t like and, or disagree politically”, WH40K tends to push the envelope and it’s edgy and over the top too, also being very conservative in its setting to the point of extremism (entirely justified in-universe), Blue sky (formerly Twitter) progressives not knowing how to separate fiction from reality tend to think and subsequently label the fans as “nazis” thinking they spouse the same ideology as the Imperium of Man (the “good” human faction). Is there Neo-Nazis among the fandom? Sure, but it’s more of a “Moustache-man drank water too” kind of situation.