“I come from a long line of parasites. My line is a proud carbuncle on the healthy, living flesh of the societies we attach ourselves to”
Blessed are the workers, who make line go up.
Their labor is our sacrament. Their bodies are our bread.
This wine is thier sweat and tears.
I’m amazed they can take pictures like this nowadays
It’s a fake. All pictures of the gl*be are
Dammit. You’re right. Look at those “clouds”.
Clouds aren’t even real. They are a social construct
You know this. And I know this. But the Fake Mediaorologists don’t want the public to know this.
Not evn Trump drains that swamp. That’s how powerful they are
“I’ll-a send you to meet-a your bloodline soon enough! Yahoo!”
This is from the JWs, I recognise it
Lmao same, just got PTSD 😂
The 144,000 on their way to all be old white men
Blessed are the market makers, who pump only when appropriate.