Nah, I’m with that guy. Fuck skinheads.
I made this mistake too once. Skinhead ≠ Nazi. Skinheads were originally just working class kids with a particular aesthetic, generally ska fans.
Nazi skinheads are a subsect that were/are disavowed, and actively fought, by the larger skinhead community. Far left, actively anti-fascist skinheads were/are definitely a thing.
Maybe if you’re in Britain.
In the US, skinhead always means Nazi.
Not everywhere in the states.
I guess I stand corrected.
No worries. I’m not from there, but pretty into the (punk/skin) culture where I’m from.
I have heard people call the racist/Nazi/whatever shitty thing they are skinheads, “boneheads” instead. Not too sure how common that is though.
Do I feel comfortable calling myself a skinhead? Not really, because of the connotation many people associate with the term.