Danish is a horrible language please dont do that. You have 4 nordic languages to pic from and you not only pick the worst one but also the one thats probably one of the worst languages of all time. Lotr and star trek trying to create the most disgusting sounding languages failed because danish was already a thing. Danish is so revolting that you start vomitting from it when you hear it and danish people think youre just replying to them.
Found the Swede
And Swedes sound like Stitch.
There are way more than 4 Nordic languages to pick from. Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Faroese, Icelandic, Greenlandic, Sami. Still Danish is of course the worst one.
Du’ dælme smart.
Undskyld hva sir du! Pft
Not sure if serious, but anyway it means “you damn smart”.
In Danish it has become a commonly known allegory used for threatening to initiate a fight over someone being provokingly clever. It started with a viral video in which two guys argue over a pocket bike.
A classic.
The US could never win from Denmark. Every tank or plane they destroy, Denmark just rebuilds as they are made from Lego.
Honestly, I have 15 years of naval experience, the Danish are one of the best trained and most modern navies I’ve ever seen or worked with (together with Germany and Norway) while the Americans nearly shot down their own helicopter by mistake, MULTIPLE TIMES, if it wasn’t for an allied unit to intervene at the last moment like:
“This is US warship, hostile contact incoming, final warning read, opening fire.”
“This is NL warship, hold your fire! wtf guys, did we miss an exercise or something? Are you aware you’re about to open fire on your own helo right now?”
“This is US warship, hostile contact now friendly, out.”
I’ve never seen a more incompetent navy out there, and I’ve worked with Italian, French and Peruvian navies too so that says a lot.
They may look impressive, with all their tech and carriers, but remember: They fought a 20 year war in Afghanistan against illiterate nomads with 60 year old kalashnikovs who live in caves, and they lost.
That said, Afghan peoples have successfully fought off a lot of superior forces over the centuries. Most recently before the U.S., the Soviets.
Afghanistan is just not a great place for a military to root out a guerilla force. Those caves you’re talking about are a big reason. The people who know the land have used that knowledge to their advantage for millennia and it’s not something modern technology can really win against unless you’re talking dropping a nuke on them.
I know, I’ve been there
Also USA basicaly just won. They just didint really had a plan for afghanistan.
They did? Taliban is defeated? They brought democracy to Afghanistan?
Hey now. The US also lost a war against jungle villagers, and then later started losing wars against inanimate objects like drugs.
Good cause, but boo AI image
I would welcome the Danes to takeover the USA.
God I wish
Hey Danes, if murica ever invades, just teach your farmers guerilla tactics. It’s like a cheat code against them.