In the AOL days, I got on newsgroups and hunted songs. Good luck finding what you wanted. Then I’d download 6-12 pieces and use software to tack those pieces into a single MP3. At 56K. (Really 53K, at best, and that was with tweaking modem strings and whatnot.)
53Kbps was what you got? Psst, damn younglings. In my day we reached 8Kbps speeds and considered ourselves lucky if our moms didn’t want to call anyone…
I think part of it has to do with how a lot of people listen to music now. I don’t listen to albums I find one or two songs I like from an artist and and them to a playlist. I am lucky to find an artist where I like more than 50% of their music.
I just rip my songs from Spotify. It’s not the highest quality, but it’s easy to find stuff and I wrote a little script to quickly download lists of tracks and albums so it’s pretty convenient.
Feel like it’s too arduous to pirate music these days
edit: Thank you guys for all the suggestions
Qobuz and Bandcamp exist. You can buy drm free music from there. Head over to [email protected] for free options. It’s not that hard.
Try Soulseek, it has just about everything.
Arduous?! Why you little…
In the AOL days, I got on newsgroups and hunted songs. Good luck finding what you wanted. Then I’d download 6-12 pieces and use software to tack those pieces into a single MP3. At 56K. (Really 53K, at best, and that was with tweaking modem strings and whatnot.)
I repeat: Why you little…
53Kbps was what you got? Psst, damn younglings. In my day we reached 8Kbps speeds and considered ourselves lucky if our moms didn’t want to call anyone…
I think part of it has to do with how a lot of people listen to music now. I don’t listen to albums I find one or two songs I like from an artist and and them to a playlist. I am lucky to find an artist where I like more than 50% of their music.
I just rip my songs from Spotify. It’s not the highest quality, but it’s easy to find stuff and I wrote a little script to quickly download lists of tracks and albums so it’s pretty convenient.
I rip them from youtube, that way I don’t have to log into anything first.
You can rip them from tidal too. not going to link the service because I’m unsure of .worlds feelings on it but it is not hard to find.