Just making the government poorer while enriching private businesses.
This is going to be a sell it and lease it back scam right?
Private equity has arrived for the federal govt.
Petition to meet stupid with stupid: start a national movement to relocate the federal administration buildings to the geographic center of the U.S.
Land is cheap, will soon be rendered unusable by climate change. Why not prop up those dying communities with good paying federal jobs?Would love to see a dem administration (if we get one again) use this as an excuse to go WFH and spread federal jobs out across America. In some ways it made sense to have most of government centralized in one place, but that’s no longer necessary. Would love to see these jobs offered remote, especially since a lot of them are well paying with pensions. Plus, DC has a huge congestion problem, and all the commuters are bad for climate change. I know a lot of DC economy depends on commuters, but I think it’d be better long term.
soo… create a ‘sovereign wealth fund’ of incredibly unstable cryptocurrency but sell the actual stable values (land) to private entities so we can pay more to lease them than having value owning them.
what a giant grift. who the fuck would possibly think this is in the nations best interest? where the fuck is congress?
where the fuck is congress?
Too busy letting Trump usurp their power. Seems like they’re totally fine with it too.
They’re in on the scam.
I really think congress is mostly a bunch of people who got into it on this power fantasy but mostly they all feel like they ‘made it’ and will only do enough to preserve what they have because they’re used to the cushy schedule and the VIP treatment and really don’t want to go back to the shithole they represent.
Which in normal times, they’d probably get away with that, even the GOPers. But I can’t help but think that if they let Trump get too far some of them are going to have their backs against the wall too. It’s pretty easy to cross him and he gets crazier and has less impulse control with every passing moment.
Let me guess. He’s going to try to keep the money from these sales. Predictable, boring, and sad.
No, he’s not getting the money. Rather, it’s the private entities that will bribe him or give him money who will end up getting the better hand from the privatization of public property like these buildings and buying them up at a steal.
Then leasing them back to the government.
Why not both?
Hopefully when this black hole in American history is over we’ll have normalized clawing back government resources from the companies who robbed us. Fuck imminent domain, they don’t deserve a penny.
Commercial realstate is a shitshow already, what a bunch of chuds.