one of the few times it’s appropriate to take a picture of the screen over a screenshot
My mom started noticing “strange letters” on all the photos and screenshots she took. She sent me a photo of a blank wall asking if it’s some fingerprinting or anti copy mechanism or something. I just saw a blank wall.
Yeah well her keyboard burnt into the screen. It was very funny for her to try and essentially “screenshot” OLED burn in for me.
on my phone it’s the wi-fi icon and other icons at the top, though I only see it when my screen is completely white
what kind of sick degenerate doesn’t watch their porn in fullscreen? Are they really beating it while going like
at that tiny ass viewport? Why? You could study each individual hair on someone’s taint in full screen, so why limit yourself?
edit: wait, forgot it’s 4chan, of course they’re a sick degenerate or masochist of some stripe.
99% time spent browsing 1% time spent watching video
A true connoisseur
Please, the true connoisseur already has their perfect porn downloaded locally and kept in an innocuously-named folder.
Homework, even though you are no longer a student.
Yoo this looks good
clicks and immediately slides to recommended
Yoo this looks good
clicks and immediately slides to recommended
Yoo this looks good
You need that subway surfers video on your other half of the screen.
I have to confess that I’m that type o sick degenerate masochist that watches anything in an tiny ass viewport, maximum length of the Youtube theatre mode. The only exception is movies that I watch in fullscreen.
Some of us use gaming TVs as monitors and like to sit close to eliminate the need to increase display scaling (and for more immersion in games). I never need to fullscreen a video ever with my 65" LG C1 OLED.
As a side effect, I never need to maximize a window, either, so the chances of a website logo burning-in are next to nil.
Maybe they use Tor Browser to avoid their parents’ internet fiilter. That has a fixed window size to limit fingerprinting.
Not fixed but a couple of predefined sizes it will pick the next size down from.
my oled moves the pic unnoticably by 10px in all 4 directions, which may clip a bit but prevent burn in. Android status bar does it too btw.
I just spent the last 5 minutes staring at my status bar. Never noticed this before but I’m sure I’m seeing it move in a square pattern now. How cool! I just hope I’ll be able to stop noticing it 😁
deleted by creator
Mine does something similar but there’s simply more pixels for it to float around in, so nothing clips. It’s a 3440x1440 display, but the actual physical screen is something like 3460x1460 so the image can shift without clipping.
Mine too, it is kinda annoying with a terminal full screen because it crops at least half the first character when it is shifted left, and I use It it in full screen 100% of the time. But still not annoying enough for me to do anything about it.
I guess is also a releave every time I noticed, it means my OLED is fine.
Wouldn’t that not be enough though? It should help in a lot of places, particularly the bar itself and the digits. But I’d be concerned that the center of the battery indicator and the wifi icon would still burn in.
Or maybe people just don’t keep their phones charged.
Modern OLEDs have other burn-in prevention features too, like subtle logo dimming and built-in screensavers. They also do what’s called “pixel refreshing” when the panel is turned off. Not quite sure how that works.
Really the only way to get burn-in on a modern OLED is to turn off all the protection features, crank the brightness to near-max (never needs to be done in indoor environments), and leave a static image displaying on the screen for several hours at a time. Dude literally has to be on XVideos all day long, every day, several days in a row, for this to happen.
How about if you just have the sun blazing in on your screen all day?
Then you need to rearrange your room better
Could be an older monitor, too.
My ex girlfriend’s name and the Skype logo are burned into my old galaxy s3, from where we used to video call all night long.
Lol that’s the worst
Relatable. Had that on two phones already but with discord.
Brand ambassador
How does this even happen? I’ve been using an OLED monitor for 3 years and have no signs of burn-in. The only preventive measures I take is autohiding the taskbar and setting the wallpaper to cycle every hour. I even turned off all the burn-in protection settings in the service menu cause they kept dimming windows too much and annoying me.
My guess is that he didn’t set a screensaver and only leaves the X Video site for like 10 minutes a day to go check on 4Chan
Quit being such a, neet sin boi, and repent for your sins or whatever
looks cool