That entire video smells like Florida.
If Roseanne ever was in a music video praising me, the embarrassment might actually kill me.
Why would you spread this? That’s the point of these things, to get a reaction out of people and get it seen by more people.
Stop making shit worse
I just went through my own Mandela Effect type of thing, because I thought she was dead.
Also, she thinks this dumbass is anyone’s daddy? LOL, he isn’t even a dad to his own kids.
It’s shockingly hilarious to see people celebrating a fascist who is set on absolutely ruining their fucking world so fast they won’t even know what happened.
Roseanne is a has-been, sure, but all these people in this video (children included) are about to feel the boot of fascism on their neck in a truly fucked up way they have never even considered possible, and they’re bragging about it.
Isn’t that how fascism always works though? It’s a populist movement.
Didn’t get invited to Trump coronation did she?
He thought she was black.
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