Definitely no worries … because they won’t be doing that job for very long
Some problems are self-limiting.
Why isn’t this labeled NSFW?
Because it’s unsafe AT work?
Without the immigrants, this is a thing of the past.
I think natives use scaffolding in the same way as the immigrants.
Just don’t fall bro.
We fall, you’re fired.
Gilded Age 2.0
Building toothpick ikea houses seems mad to me.
Why? It’s much more eco friendly CO2 wise than concrete.
But think of how much of the savings you can pass on to the investors!
Stool forme s
Wait, are they building the rafters on the frame?
These are roof trusses.
You’re correct. In my area, we call them rafters
Does this look like a kosher operation to you?
These dumb ideas never come out of nowhere, usually it’s because they forgot the KISS principle
The “Keep It Stupid, Stupid” principle? I think they’ve got that mastered here.
John Wilson approved
Upvote, but admittedly, I don’t get this reference.
real eye opening stuff man
Thanks for the link!
Chinese style architecture