Former Social Security Commissioner Martin O’Malley warns that staffing and funding cuts under Elon Musk could cause Social Security payments to halt within 30 to 90 days.
The SSA is reducing its workforce and closing offices, prompting concerns from Democrats, who accuse the Trump administration of trying to dismantle the program.
O’Malley predicts a major political backlash if payments are interrupted.
Meanwhile, leadership changes at SSA have added further instability, with no confirmed commissioner in place.
Bring it, bitches. This is what the fucking idiots voted for, let’s go. I got a bigass bowl of popcorn.
And for everyone else that was barred from representation? This isnt going to hurt who you think it will.
They’re all along for the ride. Fuck you, fuck me, fuck us all. Take it out on a republican.
You mean Nazi? I’m pretty sure they’re the same goddamn thing
You’re not a Republican? Why the celebratory let’s go then?
I would prefer that all republicans spontaneously combust. Or something more painful than that, whichever.
I am for the quickest possible path to what is the inevitable outcome: turmoil, suffering, and through that, change.
I too wish for change, and I recognize that turmoil, suffering may be part of the process. However, I am sorry for those that are victims, because losing empathy for the sake of change is not a healthy form of change.
I have sympathy for the kids in this and the non-abstainers, (edit: non-third-party voters,) non-trump-voters. The others, well, I couldn’t care less about their fate. But we must face reality: this ends with blood in the streets.
Agreed. But we’re in the shit now, and the only way out is through. We can’t afford to only have the country mostly break down but continue to limp along for another few decades. If we want to make a real difference we are going to have to change some fundamental assumptions about American society. The only way that happens is to have enough people care to make the change, and the only way that happens is by having a majority of Americans become personally hurt by this situation. We have proven time and again that we have a remarkable talent for ignoring anything that doesn’t affect us personally. So now I’m in favor of big, horrible things that personally hurt everyone in the country because that’s what is required to make people wake up and open their eyes to the reality that exists around them.
I do not wish any suffering on anyone beyond what is required to make them see. I find it upsetting and immoral that this suffering is what is required to make them see. But this has been a problem for a very long time and we are now at a crossroads where this all comes to a head and explodes. If people won’t pay attention to anything that doesn’t hurt them personally then you’re going to need to hurt them personally to make them pay attention. Simple as.
Left accelerationism and right accelerationism both cause lots of vulnerable people to suffer.
Honestly, everything causes vulnerable people to suffer. Voting (which everyone should do) clearly does nothing substantial, revolution has never been a safe path regardless of if the revolutionaries win, and accelerationism makes things worse in basically the same way a revolution does, but at least people aren’t pointing at revolutionaries as the problem when accelerationism happens. I think we’d all much prefer being able to snap our fingers and making the world perfect, but it looks like the world chose accelerationism all by itself. Certainly wouldn’t have been my first choice.
I agree we are here now. Things are already collapsing.
The person I was commenting toward appeared to be all for accelerationism, regardless of who gets hurt.
And it’s hard for me to tell left and right acceleration apart. Within that context.
I’m an anarchist, in action. So, I stand up to authority. But I also recognize that setting a match and burning it down is going to hurt a lot of innocents.
Not just people, other life on this planet too.
Anyway, their comment reminded me of somebody that would vote for Trump even though they are leftist just because they want to see the empire burn. Or someone who would stay home on their couch and refuse to vote for Harris for similar reasons.
Charitably, it could just be kind of a fuck it, we ball energy
Have you not seen all the democrats here absolutely jerking off over the idea of Palestinians getting genocided even harder under Trump?
You mean the 2000s Republicans dressed in blue?
Yeah, liberals.
No taxation without representation.
I like this far more than the “taxation is theft” rhetoric.
Like, yes, taxation is theft the way it has been used, but it doesn’t have to be if it’s done transparently and used for the benefit of all.
No it’s going to hurt who you think it will. The collateral damage on the other hand will be absolutely horrific and unfortunate… And hurt all the other folks who don’t deserve it