Yes. The vast majority of the party supports us and fights for us. A handful of Democrats have come out and said they think the party is “too far left” on the trans sports stuff but the majority of the party? They support us. The article should at at the end of the headline that they passed this first test because they blocked the fucking bill.
No. Most of them don’t actually care. We’re just another bargaining chip in their shitty dealings.
Republicans actively want to genocide us. Democrats don’t really care. There isn’t a party that actually cares about trans people.
I’m gunna say no, if Roe v. Wade is any indication of the democrat’s ability to stand up for a cause.
It’s just another carrot to lead desperate people to the voting booth. Are they just going to filibuster, or can they bring themselves to organize protests?
Don’t be surprised when Lucy is mocking you for being on your back again.
They’ve already said that they won’t, specifically because it somehow costs votes.
Betteridge’s law of headlines.
Step one: fund raise on trans rights.
Step two: not support trans rights or any meaningful reform for the people.
Step three: keep losing support while leaning ever right
Step four: fail to do fuck all about RvW for 4 decades
Step five: blame trans people for losing by bringing the party “too far left” while continuing to cut corporate taxes and increase police funding as a percentage of municipal budgets
Why would Democrats fight for Trans Rights? That’s not what REPUBLICANS want!