When they started listening to Democrat leadership instead of going with the momentum, I knew it was over. Pelosi and the gang urged the campaign to stop using “weird” and to court centrists with the Cheyne stunt.
If she had publically turned on Pelosi instead of bowing to her, she might have won. Hell, might have even had more luck attracting people on the right who didn’t like Trump that way.
One of the things the MAGA heads I used to live around liked about Bernie was that he was giving Clinton grief.
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The two examples are rich white women. Just still absolutely tone deaf
No, no, no, surely you don’t get it: the Harris campaign didn’t target affluent, suburban white women enough. With a 6-month extension, they could’ve surely carved out enough support to counter Trump’s gains in literally every relevant demographic.
They just needed more cheneys.
“What would you do different from Biden?”
“Nothing in particular.”
“… you wanna try that one again?”
“I would put a Republican in my cabinet”
How didn’t that work???
If they had 6 months, these examples would have given us way more things to point to on why Harris lost.
If she had time to run a proper campaign, then they would have had time to conduct a primary. If they would have had a primary, she wouldn’t have been campaigning.
The “voters wanted to punish Dems more than they wanted to save democracy” messaging is wild.
Not one word in there about turning to the right, campaigning with Cheneys, ignoring all progressive policies, and generally behaving like R-lite in a bid to court R-votes that never came, with no message other than “look how much worse Trump is”. I’m a little disappointed in Rolling Stone, but not at all surprised that the people they interviewed left those things out.
Ultimately, if this is their analysis, they’ll make the 2016 mistakes for a third time in 2028.
Democrats fall for this grift so often, they should change the party symbol to a pigeon.
We don’t need campaign insiders to tell us anything. We watched her do all the wrong things, just as any corporate democrat candidate would. It’s not like anything was a secret. If she wanted workers’ votes, all she had to do was actually push some decent policies.
yeah i’d like to hear from Dem voters that didn’t vote for Harris
Like for realsies, or just to shout at them? Because this being lemmy and all…
The people you are looking for are white men and hispanic men.
Those were the biggest voter group shifts that voted for Biden but didn’t vote for Harris.
So the simple answer is that Machismo culture makes too many big strong American men literallt too insecure to vote for a woman
Didn’t she lose ground on nearly every demographic? This is such trash analysis, just datamining and then applying stereotypes to avoid admitting any fault on the part of the campaign’s strategy.
She gained gained women in every group besides white women where she lost a small margin.
But the biggest thing was she lost a shit ton of white voters, not to the Republicans tho, basically the old wealthy white people who would vote for an old white man dem but not a woman dem stayed home.
Both the dems and Republicans had fewer votes in 2024 compared to 2020, but there were a lot more dem voters from 2020 that stayed home this time.
The part I don’t understand is why everyone always downvotes me for pointing out the obvious.
Older white men/women and latino men are too racist/sexist to bring themselves to vote for a colored woman. Shouldn’t be that hard to understand considering how bigoted our country is.
She gained black men
No, she didn’t. She got 78% of black men compared to 80% going to Biden last election.
The reason you get downvoted is that accusing voters of bigotry is a way of deflecting from actual strategic failures, things that could’ve been done differently, and more importantly, could be done differently in the future. It’s a way of saving face at the cost of self-reflection and improvement. It’s just an excuse.
It’s also simply not true. Three swing states that Kamala lost elected female Democratic senators. Given the very limited dataset we have to extrapolate from, it’s hard to imagine a world with more compelling evidence that your narrative is false.
Oh shit I meant to take out the part about black men, thanks.
The dems lack policy, but the specifically white and latino men who stayed home didn’t do it because of policies. The dems had no change in policy and they had no issues voting for it the first time. I get it that toxic masculinity makes a lot of men in the US into snowflakes when trying to talk about our bigot problems, but downvotes don’t change observable reality.
I don’t care what senators were elected, that has nothing to do with the presidential canidate being a woman. And it has nothing to do with who old white people want as president.
Yeah don’t forget to add the fact she couldn’t differentiate herself from biden on the palestine issue
Yeah don’t forget to add the fact she couldn’t differentiate herself from biden on the palestine issue
She absolutely could have. She chose not to.
Its crazy, they spent all that money when all they had to say on live TV to win everyone over (if all you want is to win of course) by saying fuck Israel, no more arms, and fuck all of you being poor, we’re going to fix that shit like we did a century ago. Thats all they had to do imo. The Steam from it would have reverberated through every nook and crany.
No way, instead let me bombard you with emails like a needy ex.
This is so fucking naive. Majority of Americans don’t give a shit about the Palestinian people.
The comment is also about how she never effectively messaged she would make changes for the poor and working class.
Basically she wasn’t willing at any point to acknowledge Biden failed to tackle some things like the affordability crisis and reigning in Netanyahu.
Well, if those that do aren’t significant enough to listen to, they’re not significant enough to blame.
Most people care their tax dollars are being spent on genocide. Even if the sales make us money.
The economic messaging was the main thing but even taking that as a given that they had to follow their donors’ interests, it was just a really poorly executed campaign. Had to be to get the worst results since the Republicans won California. Tbh Harris just has terrible political instincts and she would’ve never survived a competitive primary (as evidenced by 2020).
One thing that’s staggering to me is that they left Hasan Piker as an untapped resource. I’m not like a big fan of his but if you have this field of streamers where all the big names are right-wing, except one, you should really consider, like, figuring out what he’s tapping into or doing right, idk, hire him as a consultant, go on his stream, do something with him. The Democrats are so slow to adapt strategically while the Republicans are much quicker to adapt, and idk what that’s about, complacency ig.
Obviously the Dick Cheney strategy was completely useless, as usual. Democrats are married to this conventional wisdom, treated as a truism, that the way to win is by appealing to the median centrist voter, along this purely one dimensional spectrum of politics which is completely divorced from reality. I suspect the article is correct that they’re too caught up in analytics that they lose sight of how people actually think.
Don’t over analyze it, America is not ready for a woman to be president. So many women just want to take down other women that its just not time, which is sad. Adding some racial diversity in there just sealed the deal.
More women voted for Hillary than Kamala by percent. The gender gap was way wider too. You can literally just look at the statistics and disprove your own bullshit. Kamala didn’t lose because she was a woman because even compared to the other recent woman candidate she did poorly with women.
Funny how female Democratic senators won in three of the swing states Kamala lost, almost as if sexism wasn’t the deciding factor… but that could imply that Kamala failed for a reason that’s potentially her own fault, which might require some kind of self-reflection on the part of the Democratic party, and we absolutely can’t have that under any circumstances. The Democrats can never fail, they can only be failed.
Is it too cynical to say that her billion dollar campaign was a money laundering operation?
A lot of this information is public because they had to file their campaign spend with the FEC. They spent a fuck ton buying ad spots on social media, TV, billboards, print, etc.
They gave a lot of money to their consultants and advertisers, all perfectly legal.
Cui bono?
By god that seems like the dumbest possible choice given that the Democrats are routinely criticized for being elite and out of touch.
How about a giant, ever gazing, magical, orb displaying our leader’s head with a command for the public? Surely that will make us seem down to earth and in touch with the common person.
How about a giant, ever gazing magical or displaying our leaders head with a command for the public?
At a rate of $1,000,000 per week, no less.