I don’t understand these people at all. If I had 10 million dollars I’d be living the high life in a tropical country banging hookers left and right. Why is someone worth 600 billion so interested in something so boring and shitty as politics? Does he have no actual interests?
That’s the thing: if you or I got 10mil we’d live it up and not worry about accumulating more wealth. Beyond that it’s just collecting for collecting’s sake. Clearly, when you’re the richest man on earth, the only way to collect more (of anything) is to collect power by buying the president.
Obviously their hobby is collecting more, and since they don’t actually do any work to collect more - they just get to play the game, they are happy to keep.on doing it
You don’t share his daddy issues
People like him are not really interested in money. They’re interested in recognition, validation, and power.
Maybe at some point money is no longer enough. Or, maybe when one gets so much money, they start thinking they are better than the others and need to rule them to make the whole world better?
I actually think it’s pretty simple and not even that sinister, although I do think you need to have certain undesirable, in my opinion, character traits.
I’ll preface this by stating I know nothing about this stuff, I’m a software developer.
These people, for the most part, come from money so I doubt that’s ever the goal. Like I said it’s power. To your other point about thinking they’re better than us, I think they do and mainly because when you get this much wealth and power you’re surrounded by yes men.
So take someone like Harvey Weinstein; people don’t go from 0-100 in the crazy shit to do scale. But imagine you’re surrounded by yes men, so you do something at level 3 on the weirdness/creepy scale and nobody challenges you and it becomes the new baseline. Now you escalate to something at level 7 on the scale and so this goes unchallenged and the new baseline. After a while you get people doing and getting away with the craziest shit.
I think this applies to people like Elon Musk, Russel Brand, Trump, and many other folk who seek out power or an audience.
Inevitably, they all channel Dr. Horrible.
The world’s a mess and I just… need to rule it.
This dork wants to be darth vader, and it kills him that it isn’t working. Instead of becoming a cooler person and being good to people, which might make him cool, he does what weak people do and does increasingly horrible things.
It’s like he thinks “if you can’t be strong, be weak, louder”. He needs to go the other way.
Literally the richest man in the world, who’s now got the President of one of the richest countries in the world with the strongest military, in his pocket. Doing a Nazi salute twice on a national stage with very likely no repercussions whatsoever. Not to mention all the other billionaires at the inauguration. This is truly a cursed timeline.
That Doomsday clock must be very close to midnight by now
It’s an arrestable offence in Australia.
In most countries, the KKK would be considered a terrorist organization. Here in the US, they’re a “political group.”
The call has been coming from inside the house for over a century.
The US has considered them a terrorist organization since 1870
Yet Luigi is a terrorist
Rich people don’t get arrested.
What’s the line? Something about becoming rich so that they don’t have to follow the rules.
We need to convince Elon to go full Luigi / Dexter. Everyone knows he is out there killing the other billionaires but he is too rich to do anything about it.
Convince him to be the only billionaire. Heil!
They still bleed like anyone else.
But the question is, when? And how much?
Some things make execution the public’s job. And I’m tied of pretending otherwise.
I should be able to post a video of myself killing Nick Fuentes, for example, and receive nothing but favorable responses.
I don’t understand the argument when someone is a total negative in every way, with absolutely zero redeeming characteristics.
I am not typically a violent person, but with someone out there causing actual harm to people, promoting more harm, with a completely objective negative amount of humanity and worth, there is definitely a line where the cost of keeping them alive outweighs every single good thing they’ve ever (and will ever) do.
The line for this is really murky down here in peasant world, but the leaders should be the absolute peak of humanity.
And when their death provides an amazing benefit as well, then I say bring on the Luigis. I don’t say that lightly either. This isn’t a “kill everyone meeting this criteria” kinda thing. This is very specific.
The ones not quite worth messing still deserve the next worst punishment forever. And there are plenty of groups that fit into this. Nazis is the obvious one. That specifically should be a crime by itself, but that argument has issues too, but that’s just my opinion until I hear a better one.
You don’t deserve to participate in society just for being born. You deserve it by being a contributor to it. All you deserve for being born is a fair chance not to be evil. The price for crossing that line should be everything.
I realize the line of thinking is dangerously close to theirs. But it isn’t based on arbitrary issues like beliefs or race. It’s just being a decent person. That line should be pretty clear and obvious.
Nobody should be intentionally harmful to anyone- except for evil people. I don’t think we’ll ever evolve to that point though. Not inside of at digit number of years at the very least.
Same in many European countries.
That Doomsday clock must be very close to midnight by now
Goddamn better be.
I’m pretty sure it’s been 5 after since 2016
It’s been close since 2017. We’re the closest to midnight we’ve ever been since it’s inception.
Just gonna buy some of those goggles those dudes wore wearing at the Trinity tests, grab some popcorn, and watch the world burn.
“We’ll all burn together when we burn”
We all fry together when we fry!
Removed by mod
I don’t advocate for violence. I will, however, condone it once in a while.
Weird how the ADL is nowhere to be found when someone does a Nazi salute on a national stage. I guess it’s more necessary to dunk on anti-genocide Jews instead.
So he’s not a Nazi, he just awkward. O_o
Mengele was pretty awkward too. And Josef Fritzl too from what I understand
Fucking stunning.
“The Party told you to reject evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final and most essential command.”
- Probably Orwell or something
This is exactly how modern fascists operate. The majority of people will brush it off with “It’s just a joke” or “It was an accident”, but the extremists in the crowd know that it wasn’t, and they feel right at home. There was a video on youtube called something like “the pewdiepipeline” that explained this perfectly.
See also, How to radicalize a normie.
Don’t be a snowflake. It’s not bad. I saw Elon do this during Trump’s inauguration.
Benefit of the doubt, eh? When have republicans ever done that for democrats?
Jesus Christ. Mask off… Maybe if we had a halfway decent education system, people would see this for the bullshit it is
this is appeasement, you shitfuckers at ADL…
It’s worse than that, they said it wasn’t a nazi salute. :/
Remember, it’s only a Nazi Salute if it occurs in the Weimar region of Germany between 1938-1945. Otherwise it’s just Sparkling Fascism.
Got a link for that? I’m surprised they even acknowledged it instead of ignoring it.
If you don’t wanna click the x link, here’s what it says in full:
This is a delicate moment. It’s a new day and yet so many are on edge. Our politics are inflamed, and social media only adds to the anxiety.
It seems that @elonmusk
made an awkward gesture in a moment of enthusiasm, not a Nazi salute, but again, we appreciate that people are on edge.
In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath. This is a new
beginning. Let’s hope for healing and work toward unity in the months and years ahead.
I like how they had to turn off comments on it after getting dunked a couple of times.
So, if Space Channel 5 Part 2 is any indicator of reality, we can take control of the President from Elon Musk by having Lady Gaga copy Elon’s moves perfectly in a dance battle. We can then proceed to use Starlink to fire a laser back at Elon by channeling the power of the 83 million or so people watching this and dancing along into one funkified force, saving the world once and for all, though on occasion we may need Lady Gaga to race in a futuristic vehicle with Sonic in a few racing games…
Look it’s less ridiculous than the shit hat’s actually going on, so I think it’s worth a shot.
Left Right Left Right Chu Chu?
I’m looking at r/Conservative, Gab, and other far-right outlets to see what is happening with the incoming administration, and all I can say is what the actual fuck
What’s it like in those outlets? I don’t have the courage to go in there myself, those idiots make me feel angry and sad.
Yeah I need closure on this anecdote as well
Absolutely incredible to see the ADL defending overt Nazism. I guess these days the only way you can be antisemitic is to oppose genocide.
Coworker keeps tuning into some inauguration party (has real “house party where the parents are gone” energy) and the lady Waters was talking to was just talking about the “patriotism” and how democrats lost track of the normal, reasonable people because of tampons in the boys room and men playing women’s sports. SSDD.
My theory: a test to see how easily their media apparatus can explain this away or ignore it entirely. Effectively shaping reality in realtime.
This whole.election was just to see how much they could get away with
Shockingly easily. Here’s the New York Times
Peak gaslighting
Don’t believe your lying eyes.
I think they’re going to pull a strategy of just doing everything so fast that people won’t have time to react properly to anything before the next, worse things comes along. Trump virtually admitting that Musk interfered with voting machines yesterday, Nazi Salute today, 200+ executive orders dropping tomorrow. Sort of like a Gish gallop of Nazism.
Trump virtually admitted that Msjk interfered with voting machines yesterday
Got a souce for this?
He’s quoted as saying that a) musk in some way interfered with voting machines in PA to stuff the ballots and b)that he (ie trump) wouldn’t be president if the election had not been rigged. Cba to find the link because I don’t like watching footage of trump saying words.
Edit: here’s a Newsweek bit about it https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-elon-musk-voting-machine-2017657
Not exactly difficult to dig up
It’s a little more nuanced than that, but it does heavily imply that Elon Musk had some kind of insider knowledge on how the voting machines worked (which, as a private citizen with no connection to the manufacturer of the product, he should not have access to) and Trump credits him as the reason he won the state in a landslide… Highly, highly suspicious phrasing. It could be that Trump is just giving Musk credit for his knowledge of tech in general, but given Trump’s known history of attempting to influence the outcome of elections through nefarious means, I wouldn’t put it past him to have actually done something. Especially something like using the resources of the richest man on the planet to get what he wants.
Of course, spineless Dems will never challenge him on this. I expect him to fully get away with it, like he does everything.
Combine this with ‘you don’t even have to vote’ Would love to see some journalist digging into this.
Goebbels Gallop.
Oh yeah that’s way better lol
I’m calling it. In 2 months he will be proudly wearing a toothbrush mustache. And the headlines will say “Musk is brining back Charlie Chaplin’s mustache”.
Hes gonna release a book about how much he has had to struggle
“Fell for it?” “Fell for it?” They intentionally voted for that.
Hey, now. Not all Republicans are just plain evil. And not all Republicans are just plain dumb either. Some of them happen to be both.
Beyond comprehension how the brown and black ppl who voted for him are able to reconcile all of this shit.
You mustn’t have read up a lot on the history of fascism then.
Plenty of people deported by Hitler, supported Hitler. Including the guy who wrote the famous “First they came…” poem. It’s not just a turn of phrase, it’s plainly autobiographical.
Just another parallel.
Oh boy must those guys have felt pretty darn silly when they found out what happened! Gee whiz!
It’s not like they stopped cheering when Musk gave two Nazi salutes.
When the other shoe drops, they’ll be saying they were tricked
“Somehow it’s Biden’s fault” © Lucasfilm… err Maga …
“Thanks, Obama”
Only if it ends up hurting them, and they’ll find a way to blame liberals anyway.
They’ll recognize no mistake in their parts; they will admit nothing.
Surely it must be better than Harris still !
…right ?
At least Harris didn’t have to listen to anyone to her left.
Somebody’s upset that he wasn’t the center of attention for a few hours.
Doesn’t surprise me that he is a Nazi. Just surprised that he can pull this off so openly.
Have we learnt nothing?
Oh, we learned things. But you aren’t going to like them.
Lesson 1: America has a much better map position than Germany and the navy you need to really get a world conquest going
Did he actually or is this just a lucky still of a movement?
Ah yeah saw the video now, pretty clear.
There is video. He did it more than once. Either it’s so ingrained his muscle memory that he just moves like a Nazi salute, or he did it with intentionality. Both say he’s a Nazi
It was obviously a Nazi salute. You can’t make this shit up twice…
He gave it the old Laura Ingraham
I could see how Laura could claim hers was unintentional. This one I think is a little more difficult to pretend away.
Her shit was not some kind of subtle message. Shit was fucking blatant.
And even she didn’t do it twice.
Twice in less than 6 seconds. Like, I really wanted to believe it wasn’t that clear.
It’s so fucking clear.
Looked to forced and awkward to be muscle memory. Looks more like a 14 y/o boy who knows he’s doing something he shouldn’t but he wants to look cool n badass in front of his friends.
Source: I knew a few kids who did just that.
It’s the same shit they always do where it’s obvious what it is but they just make it just different enough that they can claim it’s a misunderstanding while dogwhistling to their Nazi supporters.
I don’t think he’ll convince many of us who are not already Nazis that this was misunderstood. What the fuck else could it be? And this is a guy who has become more and more explicitly and proudly Nazi in the months leading up to the election. This is him celebrating the Nazi win.
He did it twice
The second one to the back was even more Nazi-form.
There’s video. He did it twice.
It was very much deliberate, it’s hard to explain away but of course most of America will just laugh it off while the leopards get ready to eat their faces.
I’m just waiting for the Maga idiots to make this their official gesture now, like the whole ear bandaid shit.
This is just to distract us from the debacle over his PoE 2 characters.